“I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.”
--Yves Saint Laurent quotes (French fashion designer, b.1940)

Jeans are the staple of many a wardrobe, but if they do not fit right, you’ll find that you won’t wear them. Often, it seems like hit or miss when you are looking for jeans. . . even the ones that are in your size don’t seem to fit you right. Since jeans are an important part of any casual wardrobe, it’s important that you get the fit right so you look great and feel even better.
There are specific things to look for in a pair of jeans and you’ll learn how to find the right pair of jeans in the tips below. You may even want to print this page out and take it with you when doing your shopping.
Make Them Fit Your Body Type

Jeans will be far more flattering if you choose a pair that suits your body type. The great thing about jeans is that they really do work for anyone . . . you just need the right style. For women who are a bit heavy in the hips, a nice flared jean will help balance this out and draw attention downwards. Petite ladies will look best in low-rise jeans that come just up to the hipbone, while a high-waisted pair will help keep a larger stomach from being too obvious. Tapered legs look best on women who have narrow hips, since they create the illusion of curves.
For men, when it comes to jeans, the perfect pair isn't too far away. When it comes to style, there are two main options: snug and loose. Jeans that are looser or baggier will give you more range of motion and freedom. If you're going out to do chores or to play with your friends, these more comfortable jeans will serve you well.
Choose the Right Pockets
Pockets may seem insignificant, but they really do have a lot to do with how a pair of jeans looks on you. Small back pockets, or ones with lots of detail, will tend to make big bottoms look even heavier and draw a lot of attention to your backside. Opt for no pockets at all or look for ones that are large enough to be in proportion with your bottom. The opposite is true for women with smaller behinds, detail and smaller, fancy pockets will tend to add bulk to that area.
For men, I have heard it said that one of the cutest things is their butts. So for men keep the detail to a minimum. Honestly, I can’t think of anyone that wants to focus on the detail on the pocket and that's exactly what happens when you see those pockets. Your butt isn't being checked out...all that stitching is. Let's find some pockets with less detail, ok?
For men, when it comes to jeans, the perfect pair isn't too far away. When it comes to style, there are two main options: snug and loose. Jeans that are looser or baggier will give you more range of motion and freedom. If you're going out to do chores or to play with your friends, these more comfortable jeans will serve you well.

Pockets may seem insignificant, but they really do have a lot to do with how a pair of jeans looks on you. Small back pockets, or ones with lots of detail, will tend to make big bottoms look even heavier and draw a lot of attention to your backside. Opt for no pockets at all or look for ones that are large enough to be in proportion with your bottom. The opposite is true for women with smaller behinds, detail and smaller, fancy pockets will tend to add bulk to that area.
For men, I have heard it said that one of the cutest things is their butts. So for men keep the detail to a minimum. Honestly, I can’t think of anyone that wants to focus on the detail on the pocket and that's exactly what happens when you see those pockets. Your butt isn't being checked out...all that stitching is. Let's find some pockets with less detail, ok?
The yoke is the top part of the jean, most visible at the back and the curve of the seam can make all the difference in how your jeans fit and look. For example, a yoke seam that curve upwards from the hips will tend to make your bottom look larger; while a flat yoke line creates a wider hip. A “V” shaped yoke is one of the most common types and it is also quite flattering to all body types and usually fits well, so when in doubt, opt for this one. A wide yoke will allow your jeans to fit better if you are on the larger side.
Match the Wash to the Occasion

Choosing the right jeans for you requires knowing where you will be using them and which style will flatter your body type. Use the tips given here to help you select the perfect pair of jeans and then go find yourself a pair that not only fits you and is comfortable, but that looks great, too.